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seacoast ( 女 , 57 )
地区: 美国, 麻省
作者: seacoast, 俱乐部:nunia 和泥版 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2006-12-22 23:39:06, 来源:未名交友
标题: Re: 李劼《爱似米兰》Age of Innocence


Once I was loved
I knew I was loved.
I flew through my days
in fanciful ways
secure and sure there always be
endless love for me

Gone is that love
my fanciful dove
have tears in her eyes
she no longer flies
and yet my heart was not despair
For it's there
just a memory away

Once i was loved
so always comes what may
love's happy memory
always will be loving me.

【 --------------------原文-------------------- 】
: 作者:nunia, 俱乐部:nunia 灌水版
: 日期:2006-09-19 04:44:35, 来源:未名交友
: 标题:李劼《爱似米兰》Age of Innocence
: : 李劼《爱似米兰》激起我所有童年美好的回忆,纯情,天真,撩人的喜爱与朦胧的恋想,单相思。读书往往是最美好,最天长地久的恋情。在美国的这些年月,我仿佛是刚上路去天堂却发觉实为单人闯入了地狱,withering away even more miserable than 呼哮山庄的heathcliff 。Yet his book brings me back all those love that i had. They haven't lost. They will always stay with me. Six years boarding at Shanghai Middle school with her enormous acres of trees and flowers and weeds covered campus for any middle school of the whole world, we had school uniforms. We had dress codes interpreted by our teacher: girls do not wear pants with zippers in the front, only dress and pants with openings at sides. In the last year, one of my roommates got into big trouble. She received a ultimate warning from our Principle and her 'boy' friend was kicked out of our school. A lower grader boy bumped into them when they were kissing each other. Her boyfriend bullied the boy with mere words 'if you dare to tell teachers, i'd beat the shit out of you'. My roommate 张晶 was so daring in my eyes. She wrote diaries everyday after lights off with a flashlight. She was a short distance runner in the school sports team where boys and girls even talk to each others. In our own classes, boys and girls don't talk but we were able to put on comic shows now and then without direct dialogues. I was very slow in figuring out relationship between boys and girls. I remember in elementary school, my playmate Jenny 胡征's older sister was the same age of my older brother. So one day, i asked her to help me with my puzzlement: in my family, my brother and I are a boy and a girl but in yours, you have two girls, how are you going to do it? She laughs at me, brother and sister don't marry, you idiot! But the reason i was asking her is that i abhor the idea of spending my whole life with wicked bullying brother i've got. Boarding school years are so peaceful and beautiful, away from home, away from mother and father's quarrels and brother's bullying. Our campus was like the garden of Eden. Our main building 龙门楼 is as grand as any building in Shanghai teacher's college. Shanghai middle school had movie theatre, swimming pool, olympic size tracks, woods, ponds, and good devoting teachers who take turns to ensure from 6:30am till 9:30pm each school day someone is there looking after us. And i was always making good grades to offset other pranks and offenses like talking in the class or totally ignoring the class depends upon different weather of different days.

I remember the first book i mail ordered with my own allowance was a bilingual script of British film 'Carve her name with pride'. I watched movie at school and it made a good impression on me. so when i saw mail order ads on a local newspaper, i sent the money in an envelope immediately. I was so thrilled when the book arrived.

The love poem becomes part of me with the lover forever hidden from me.

The life that I have is all that I have
And the life that I have is yours.
The love that I have of the life that have
Is yours and yours and yours.
The sleep i shall have, the rest i shall have
Yet death will be but a pause
For all my years under the long green grass
will be yours and yours and yours...

No. I loved heathcliff and Mr. Rochester. They loved me in return by showing their undying love for Catherine and Jane Eyre. That piano piece Jane played for Mr. Rochester still comes back to me after many years
3 5 1^ 7 6 -- 7656 6545--- 35 3^ 1^ 3^ 2^ 1^ 2^ ....

Once I was loved
I knew I was loved.
I flew through my days
in fanciful ways
secure and sure there always be
endless love for me

Gone is that love
my fanciful dove
have tears in her eyes
she no longer flies
and yet my heart was not despair
For it's there
just a memory away

Once i was loved
so always comes what may
love's happy memory
always will be loving me.

※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
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