    俱乐部:nunia 和泥版 俱乐部家页
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nunia ( 女 , 114 )
地区: 美国, 新泽西
作者: nunia, 俱乐部:nunia 和泥版 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2006-05-10 10:15:13, 来源:未名交友
标题: Re: "死亡的疾病" - Life and Death Upon the Page

more close-up reading:

At first, the woman cannot believe that the gay man doesn't desire women: 'You've never desired a woman? ...Not one single  time, not for an instant?' The gay man's negative answer, his resulting denial of her, brings out the pain of rejection but the calm note of a
summary judgement that is no less absolute for being bemused: 'She smiles and says: What a curious thing is a dead man. [ C'est curieux un mort]. At various moments in this dialogue both characters imagine murdering the other, although Duras disguise the heterosexual woman's violence in a questionable - perhaps even a reprehensible - way. For the man's fantasy of murdering the woman is forgrounded, and by implication connotes the rage of homosexual impotence in the face of sexual difference, or more optimistically, the urge to kill that always underlies the desire in Duras. But the woman's murderous performances echoes that of Ackroyd:'C'est curieux un mort.' Duras's narrative thus concocts an innocence for itself by seeming merely to acknoweldge in the constative mode that homosexual desire is dead, 'immobile', an empty void by its very nature. But again, The constative disguises a performative: 'You are dead' in fact means 'I am
killing you off.'

 What is in question here isn't love or hate. They are from the same source. It is the power of dominance. 'More is different.' This surplus of culture sensitivity, or culture perversion is the very force of evolution under the shadows of revolution. Destructive and constructive forces are walking on a fine line. And who can tell without risking the telling as abetting the destructive side?

※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
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