标题: 许愿
评论于:2009-06-21 04:27:39   [评论]
借精灵树 我也许个愿
^o^   ^o^
评论于:2009-05-08 05:40:04   [评论]
Well, your reply is very early for me, considering my last response to you was two years late…
I have been doing well and managed to make bit money from the financial market lately, guess the
 recession will be over soon, thank God. I’ve just attended a friend’s wedding in Shenyang, an
d really enjoyed the warm, peaceful atmosphere of the wedding ceremony, life is so nice, particu
larly for those in love and getting married, I envy them.

I am watching the TV drama 闯关东 in Singapore, one episode a week, have you watched it ? It is 
so fascinating to follow the footsteps of those pioneer citizens of our north-east China experie
ncing the mainly painful, sometimes delighted migration history. I know there are two major migr
ation movement in modern Chinese history, 闯关东 and 下南洋. My great great grand parents were f
rom Shandong, they may have experienced the same difficulty and suffering when they migrated to 
my new homeland in the north-east frontier, so I am glued to this show each Sunday night. My bro
thers some how found my ancestor’s small town in Shandong and plan to pay a visit one day, I am
 look forward to joining them on the historical return trip!

I know your home town is in Heilongjiang, are your ancestors migrated from somewhere else ? It’
s always interesting to me to find out one’s family origin.

Talk to you again, take care… 
评论于:2009-04-08 08:41:07   [评论]
评论于:2009-02-22 11:23:21   [评论]
Hi Evelyn:

So sorry I missed your reply almost 2 years ! Only saw your message when I checked the 'who visi
ted you list' today. Time flies and I hope it is not too late to tell you about Singapore and yo
u are still interested in the small city state. Two years made huge difference for everyone and 
the world, guess you would be a big girl now from that small, cute girl before. 

BTW, 'Movie Century Castle of Changchun Province', do you mean Changchun city ? I've been in Cha
ngchun for a few years but never had a chance to visit this 'Movie Century Castle'. Hope your dr
eam come true. I need a bit good luck too, could you bring it to me?

As to Singapore, it is a tiny city at the tip of the Asia continent, tropical weather make it ho
t every day, we have only dry and wet season, humidity is high most of the time. I grew up from 
North East China and I could not take it when I first arrived in Singapore years ago, it is simp
ly too hot. Fortunately, offices, subway, buses are all air conditioned, not too bad if you don'
t need to work outdoors. After visiting many places in the world, I realized that overall Singap
ore is a nice place to live in, if you don't mind the hot weather. Clean garden city, good publi
c services, efficient transport system, etc. BTW, I moved back to Singapore from Dallas, Texas, 
after five years working there. Now I miss the bluebonnet, the small, but beautiful Texas state 
flower, which flourish every where during Spring.  

Come and visit Singapore, you will see it by your own eyes. Singapore, like most of the world, i
s in deep recession now, a vast contrast from 18 Aug 2007, when you wrote your short message to 
me. Singapore need foreign visitors like you to come and support the economy, in turn, I will su
pport you with all my means to show you around here. So do come soon.


Sincerely yours
Player2, from Singapore  
评论于:2007-08-18 11:41:05   [评论]
Thanks!this is Movie Century Castle of Changchun Province 。It is a funny place. Actrually I am
 interested in Singapore, it would be very kind of you to tell me more:)
评论于:2007-08-12 10:35:04   [评论]
The wise man and lovely girl, where is this place?
评论于:2007-08-02 01:36:01   [评论]
评论于:2007-05-21 12:44:19   [评论]
nice person and pic.


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