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ECHOWUHC ( 男 , 54 )
地区: 其它地区, 其它地区
作者: ECHOWUHC, 俱乐部:nunia 和泥版 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2007-09-14 05:11:57, 来源:未名交友
标题: A talent impromtu poem I've ever seen

Nunia, your impromptu poem posted on my diary is a pretty fantastic stuff, especially when you wrote:“the problem lies not in my inability to love.the problem lies in my inability to love anyone else.”, reminding me the anti-establishment style of late Beatles singer John Lenon. THANKS

※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
nunia ( 女 , 114 )
地区: 美国, 新泽西
作者: nunia, 俱乐部:nunia 和泥版 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2007-09-14 13:58:46, 来源:未名交友
标题: Warren Beatty, Shirley MacLaine

I'm reading "Warren Beatty - A Private Man" by Suzanne Finstad.  I never knew Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister!

Warren Beatty married Annette Bening in 1992. The couple had four children.  "I grew up as a fairly puritanical, Protestant, football-playing boy in Virginia," Beatty once said, summing up his life. "I don't know that I've changed very much."

From Hollywood's notorious playboy to a devoted husband and father, Warren Beatty says "i don't know that I've changed very much". That makes perfect sense.

※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
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